
Networked learning

Relative harmony, experience, and digtal tools in networked learning

The updated audio teaser for my presentation at the 13th International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2022). It is inspired by Christopher Alexander’s remark that, “As architects, builders, and artists, we are called upon constantly—every moment of the working day—to make judgments about relative harmony. We are constantly trying to make decisions about what is better and what is worse…”

LibrePlanet talk: Digital freedom as pattern learning for life

This is to announce my LibrePlanet 2022 talk on considering digital freedom in the learning environment of the classroom and in life. It will explore teaching components that can be used to introduce free software in the classroom and consider how free software can be a ‘surprising’ learning model in response to big data.

Staying sane via IT skill?

  1. The challenges that emerge through the difference between in-person/blended and online teaching.
  2. Reflections on the move towards a digitalized learning experience that reconsiders the digital tool as instrument.

Digital work and the ethic of care

How do we design for an ethic of care in digital work if we know that “care” is not a “problem” that can be categorically solved?

Happy 2022: Points for systems resonance

2021 was a year of polarization and increased impacts by digitalization on culture. This post presents ‘points of resonance’ (Dartur 2020) to inspire transitions towards improvement at this time of continued change in the so-called knowledge age.

EmacsConf2021: Emacs as design pattern learning

This updated post links to my EmacsConf2021 talk.

Transnational courses

Slides for a transnational course proposal.

A back-to-school/GTD Emacs journey

This post is a beginner’s continued journey to Emacs (mostly org-mode) and discusses: programming as a journey, Beamer for PDF control, mind map tools (metaphors for programmers!), using org-capture to plug-and-play, using Websters, advanced table export, and a little more.

Free Software and philosophy

This paper explores the threat of the erasure of knowledge, which Stiegler (2018) sees as characteristic of the Anthropocene, and which is understood in this paper as an educational concern with respect to our shared understanding and use of digital tools. The problem of the ‘bringing forth’ of knowledge is related to Heideggerian (1977 [1949]) poeisis. But where Heidegger lacked the courage to act, Stiegler raised the question of how to act and live care-fully, through neganthropic pharmakon as provisional treatment in the disautomatization of individual and collective production and consumption.

21st Century relational backgrounding for technical and professional communication

A link to my AELFE-TAPP2021 conference paper.
It outlines how my courses include a backgrounding in the social and material contexts of students as well as the contexts of technical and professional content, which together cater to the development of 21st century skills.

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