
Networked learning

Phenomenology and networked learning book chapter

An informal video intro to a book chapter.

Wiki pages

All of this site’s posts on the wiki practice used. Again, this site is an informal digital garden. My professional site is here.

21st Century Pedagogy

Key words, authors, and works.

A "wiki-like" symmathesic design pattern

The Wiki Way influenced my digital garden. The wiki provides a design pattern for “learning together” that can be extended across media.

Why wiki

On Ward Cunningham’s Wiki Wiki Web and seeking out interconnections among ideas. But also, about learning as a process. Humility and wonder at digital development. Digital gardening.

Value for value

“If the Internet makes possible an apparently contributory economy – typified by free and open source software – it is because it is a technical environment in which the recipients are put in the position of senders: it is dialogical.” — Bernard Stiegler

The need for free software education now

This post is to link to the editorial I wrote for the Free Software Foundation Spring 2022 bulletin. Teachers interested in GNU Emacs can consult this earlier post on A back-to-school/GTD Emacs journey.

Re-presencing the postdigital trace

This post shares my NLC2022 conference presentation on Re-presencing the Digital Trace in Networked Learning Design and explains how it is related to the interdisciplinary anti-textbook I have been working on for the past two years. The post begins with an autoethnographic narrative of the anti-textbook’s progress before outlining some of its key ideas. It concludes with the NLC2022 presentation.

Digital tools are for thinking together

A link to my contribution to a group response to the The Manifesto for Teaching Online (Bayne et al. 2020) which was published in Postdigital Science and Education 4, 271–329 (2022).

Teaching and tools for digital freedom (with video link)

This post contains a link to my LibrePlanet2022 video and discusses the reasoning behind it, including how I came to build a “free as in freedom” teaching tool on the shoulders of GNU-licensed textpattern.
