
Phenomenology and networked learning book chapter

This post introduces a seven minute trailer on the chapter I wrote for a book on phenomenology and networked learning, in Johnson, M., Healey-Benson, F., Bonderup Dohn, N. & Adams, C. (Eds.), preliminary materials here.

Filmed in one take, it is a response to editor Mike Johnson’s take on our video chat, which did not go live. The video uses his prompts – and represents my maiden voyage into video making for unknown audiences.

The trailer does not mention that my book chapter is filled with methods of how to gather and share collective ex-pressive traces. The video itself is a trace. If it is successful it will inspire other traces created in response. Here’s to dreaming collective ‘lines of flight’ out of the Anthropocene and into care-ful gatherings.

Page generated 04J02. Updated 04J06.

Note: A related (experimental) post on how this chapter relates to my subject area can be found here.

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