
Learning to defer through infraculture

This is a video presentation for a Faculty of Education conference entitled “Art (of) Education in a Changing World.” It is called “Learning to defer through infraculture.”

The video does not cover the surprises that happen when you give students access not just to tools but to their underlying functions that allow them to make something on their own. That will be covered in the paper.

The tools that I have used most often include: the textpattern CMS, the latter usually with the tem theme I made which has comment/categorization/tag/administrative privilege options; Alan Levine’s TRUCollector (documented here and here), and Neocities. The simple tools support further discussion and development of what can be shorthanded as wiki culture, documented in part here.

Image credits: Furman, J. (2023). OpenAI logo with magnifying glass.Wikimedia; ‘system arrows’ adapted from Antonio Toca Fernández’s essay with graphics, La biblioteca de Babel: Una modesta propuesta, in Casa del Tiempo, 24(4), October 2009.

As this recording and video were made on the go, what follows is authentic to “live” performance.

Page generated 04K11. Updated 04K13.

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