
Free software

Privacy theater and tech design

A non-techie’s list of digital tools that are can be considered until issues of privacy and human-centered design is more care-fully iterated.

GTD update

Have not posted in a while. This brief post is an update on programming hacks that have improved my quality of life (note, I write that, not “efficiency”) in the past year. The post will be edited at a later point.

The need for free software education now

This post is to link to the editorial I wrote for the Free Software Foundation Spring 2022 bulletin. Teachers interested in GNU Emacs can consult this earlier post on A back-to-school/GTD Emacs journey.

Digital tools are for thinking together

A link to my contribution to a group response to the The Manifesto for Teaching Online (Bayne et al. 2020) which was published in Postdigital Science and Education 4, 271–329 (2022).

Configuring an OS environment: An intro to Debian + GNU Guix

This is an anecdotal post on how I found myself installing GNU Guix on Sunday, even though my OS competence is such that installing Debian was a little challenge. The moral of this story is: moving towards software freedom even for the non-expert gives so many customizable options that I hope more people will talk about and experience this freedom.

Teaching and tools for digital freedom (with video link)

This post contains a link to my LibrePlanet2022 video and discusses the reasoning behind it, including how I came to build a “free as in freedom” teaching tool on the shoulders of GNU-licensed textpattern.

LibrePlanet talk: Digital freedom as pattern learning for life

This is to announce my LibrePlanet 2022 talk on considering digital freedom in the learning environment of the classroom and in life. It will explore teaching components that can be used to introduce free software in the classroom and consider how free software can be a ‘surprising’ learning model in response to big data.


Happy valentine’s free software! This post covers how I started my ascent on the freedom ladder, why I love free software, and more.

Happy 2022: Points for systems resonance

2021 was a year of polarization and increased impacts by digitalization on culture. This post presents ‘points of resonance’ (Dartur 2020) to inspire transitions towards improvement at this time of continued change in the so-called knowledge age.

Emacsconf2021: Dialogic learning how to learn through the Emacs tool

I can think of very few contexts in this hurried ‘great reset’ (to assume the urgency of Schwab & Malleret 2020) where we have the reflective/reflexive privilege to focus on the meaning/ethos of our digital tools. Such an opportunity is thanks to the EmacsConf2021 organizers and support team.
