

Note: these links are to the site feeds, not the websites. The page is incomplete. Entries are not listed in any particular order.

Hacker News for keeping up to date on programming.

Free Software Foundation.

Oh hello anna for a softer voice on programming, and her links.

Steve Omohundro’s site for machine learning and rational economics — I like to follow a variety of viewpoints in what I read.

Daniel Gross for a smaller VC’s take, there have been posts I really liked.

Heather Burns for policy, privacy, and human rights.

Bruce Schneier for privacy, surveillence, AI, and crytopgraphy. is another forum where programmers share links and comments.

Beyond the frame by an artist, college professor, and software engineer.

Eugene Wallingford, a computer science professor’s blog always worth reading. Sometimes involved in the Hillside Group’s Pattern Languages of Programs.

VC Sam Altman’s site

Julie Evans for programming comics.

Reddit thread on Emacs org-mode, though a link to oldreddit.

Planet Emacs Life for posts about Emacs.

Andrea’s site for posts on programming.

The shifted librarian for how a librarian does the Internet.

Simone Robutti the personal site of a ML/data learning engineer.

Aaron’s weblog by the American computer programmer and internet-political activist (1986-2013).

Freedom to tinker hosted by Princeton’s Center for Information Technology Policy, a research center that studies digital technologies in public life.

Esoteric code Daniel Temkin’s blog on esocode.

Electronic Frontier Foundation for digital rights.

Computer RIP – need I say more?

Sacha Chua for Emacs, child-raising, gardening, drawing, hacking…

100 rabbits defy definition.

Jan Schaumann’s personal site: an Infrastructure Security Architect, and System Administration and Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment professor.

Bastien Guerry former org-father, Free Software developer and hacktivist.

Matt Lynch, bootstrapped founder.

Marcy Sutton, for webdev-y accessibility posts.

The Markup, an American nonprofit news publication focused on the impact of technology on society.

Tobias Bernard, by a GNOME contributor.

Eric Bailey a generous inclusive design advocate, writer, developer, and speaker.

Coding Horror Jeff Atwood’s blog: “with a particular interest in the human side of software development” (to cite his about page).

Alex Schroeder former dev who now writes docs and contributor to the Emacs Wiki and Campaign Wiki. Also writes about games, politics, and is generally “interested in wikis, blogs, and free software in general. This is where I was first confronted with copyright, patents, and trademarks” – c.f. the about page.

Bandali of Free Software lore’s blog.

Walker Griggsm a video and distributed systems engineer, focused on developer-first platforms, working on video ingest and processing at Mux, and previously did distributed data systems at Heroku.

Simon Willison for all things AI and more.

Cyber demon demistifying git.

Hillel Wayne – rather, a link to his newsletter.

Naive Weekly, an art newsletter.

Dank wiki, I can’t remember if this feed link works.

Gretzuni – I self-subscribe to make sure the feed is working.

Words in space, by Shannon Mattern, a scholar and teacher of media, design, and urban studies.

I run far with columns by favorite ultra runners like Sabrina Little and Zach Miller, both excellent writers.

Sweet tidings for kawaii.


Carol Sanford the author of No More Feedback which wrestles in a human way with systems theory.

Emergent Thinkers by the unparalleled Dr. Felicity Healey-Benson, BSc, PGCE, MBA, MA (HRM), DBA, PG Dip CIPD, Dip. NLP, SAC. Dip, FHEA, a businesswoman, phenomenologist, thinker, pirate, and mother. “Applied research for business and education 4.0.” Her about page is here.

Howard Rheingold, “exploring mind amplifiers since 1964” by the American critic, writer, and teacher, known for his specialties on the cultural, social and political implications of modern communication media such as the Internet, mobile telephony and virtual communities (Wikipedia).

Austin G Walters, a personal, epistemic blog by a software engineer.

Pluralistic, “a blog by Cory Doctorow, a science fiction author and activist, that features daily links on topics such as AI, privacy, copyright, and politics. The blog has a minimalist design and a privacy policy that does not collect or retain any data”.


Digressions impressions by Eric Schliesser for analytical philosophy, epistemocracy, and more.

Sooty empiric by excellent public philosopher Liam Kofi Bright.

Kyo and obi, by Goan writer and poet Neha. Alan Jacobs columnist and literature professor, with a social feed and newsletter.

Sara Hendren’s Micro blog by design researcher, writer, artist, professor at northeastern university .

Miss Moss by a South African designer.

Laudator Temporis Acti.

Granola Shotgun on US housing.

Sierra Club for their newsfeed.

Design love fest. I miss this blog which had such relaxing graphics.

Recovergirl for repurposing fashion.

Derk Sivers of CD Baby lore, entrepreneur, speaker, and writer.

Outside online.

bldg blog, an architecture blog authored by futurist Geoff Manaugh, former editor at Dwell magazine, former Editor-in-Chief at Gizmodo, and a contributing editor at Wired UK.

Bon appetempt for recipes.

101 cookbooks Heidi Swanson’s vegetarian recipes and gorgeous photos.

Pinch of yum food blog by a former teacher.

Ecological thinking

Edithorial popularizing education in the classics.

Trail runner magazine.

Humans of New York.

Hope in source.

Crooked timber, a group blog that explores various topics in culture, politics and philosophy from a critical and pluralistic perspective. Read posts on Pézenas, culture wars, naval power, development aid and more.

Kieran Healy Irish sociologist, a professor of sociology at Duke University, works on techniques and methods for data visualization, and some problems in social theory.

Peter Goodyear, Emeritus Professor of Education at The University of Sydney and expert in computer-supported learning networks.

The convivial society.

Nicholas Carr. “He writes about the human consequences of technology, such as the internet, automation, and artificial intelligence, in books and essays.”

Sneak berlin, Jeffrey Paul, “Browsers are stuck in the 90s”, “How to blog”, “Javascript cheatsheet”…

Markus Strasser, researches “information storage and processing in biological systems with special interest in artificial life. Previously I worked on biomedical literature search and knowledge discovery (with funding from Emergent Ventures), machine learning interpretability, no-code tools…” (a href=“”>via).

Kevin Quirk infosec with personal interests posted to this hobby site.

Smol pub “Smol Pub. Nightfall City is a feed aggregator for the Web and Gemini. It’s composed of districts where visitors can decide to settle by publishing their feed.”

International Association of Privacy Professionals.

Zerolib like a local library.

Phire Phoenix where Jenny writes about “the impact of technology on our lives and also feelings and books and other sundry things.”

Tilting at windmills by “Gabriel Getzie, erstwhile electrical engineer, currently python programmer / website designer / solopreneur located in Hong Kong” (via).

Serge Zaitsev. On passwords, minimal cross-platform graphics, brainf*ck interpreters…

Just write click the blog of Anne Gentle who wrote Docs Like Code, which has its own site and feed, Docs like code.

Unix Sheikh. On “notes, thoughts and tutorials about open source, BSD and GNU/Linux system administration, and programming – the pragmatic way” (Drew Devault who created sourcehut. Free software advocate. Blogger.

Joel Sposky. Trello creator software who blobs about development, management, business, and the Internet.

Vicki Boykis, a learning engineer at working on LLMs and LLM infra.

Low tech magazine.

Solar. Low tech magazine.

Xe Isao, by a technical educator, conference speaker, twitch streamer, vtuber, and philosopher that focuses on ways to help make technology easier to understand and do cursed things in the process on phenomenology and networked learning.

Consciences by Caroline Muller a cultural historian. In French. “About Us. COMPOST is a magazine about the digital commons. We curate art, reflections, and experiments about building the web as a shared resource with active stewards. We approach COMPOST as a process to metabolize and renew our relationships with the web, to imagine and build…” (via)

Free dirtmonger for following long distance hiking.

Bonus: A web ring for digital accessibility practitioners: A11y-webring club (links to webring page).

Page generated 04K02. Updated 04K13.

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